I didn’t post yesterday because I’m a lazy procrastinator who lacks structure and discipline, but I should have because yesterday’s workout was great.
Last Wednesday I finished my second run through of weeks 4-6 of my push-up workout app. I planned for a max effort test after I finished but kept putting it off and suddenly it was a week since my last workout. Yikes! I’m not sure where the crossover line between ‘resting up’ and ‘losing fitness’ is but I didn’t want to get any closer to it. So I did this:
If my count is correct, that’s 102 reps. Ugly reps, with lots of rest breaks, but 102 reps nonetheless. I was – and still am – incredibly stoked. That’s the most push-ups I’ve ever done at one time. And it’s a big step toward The Goal. Super stoked.
Afterwards I knocked out a good EBEH swim workout. My chest and arms were a little twitchy from the pushups but the swim still felt good and it was a nice change from the endless lap churning that most of my swim workouts are.
You can see my breaks between EBEH intervals totalled about seven minutes. I got this by using the highly accurate and scientific system of resting for twenty heaving breaths between each interval. I thought that my Garmin Swim showed a rest timer while paused during swim intervals but for some reason mine isn’t doing it (hence the breath counting system). I’ll have to research the settings a little bit and see if it’s something I can set up.
I also like this next chart because of how crazy regular my interval pacing is. And how much faster it is than my normal “steady” swim pace, which I believe is around 2:10.
And I’m even going to throw in the technical charts that I usually skip because this time they actually show the differentiation between pace/effort/time on each length – easy, build, easy, hard. Pretty cool.