Blink and you might miss it . . .

I had a max effort pushup test on the docket for today.  Went down to the gym, warmed up thoroughly.  Carefully arranged my iPhone using some dumbbells as props.  Got myself lined up just right to capture my test on video.  I figure this was good to a) check my form and b) double check my count since I tend to lose my basic arithmetic functions when doing pushups since all the blood gets squeezed out of my brain and my face turns purple.  Ready? 

Here we go:

So you may have noticed that there were no pushups in that video.  That was actually a video of me picking up my phone and realizing that I failed to turn on the recording when I went to do the pushups.  Yeah.

As a result I don’t have an accurate count of how I tested out.  But I can figure out a reasonable approximation.  I know I did 45-50 in the first chunk; then I rested and did a set of 10; I may have done another set of 10 but I doubt it; I know I did a set of 7, at least two sets of 5 and at least 3 sets of 3.  At the very end I did a couple couples (heh, heh) and a couple singles.  Conservative estimate: 85.  Top end estimate?  Broke 90.  I’m pretty happy with that.  I’ll go through week 6 of the program and then do a final test and see where I am.

[Amusingly, YouTube offered several options to “optimize” and “improve” the video quality when I uploaded it.  Talk about polishing a turd . . .]

Workout for Monday, 25 February

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Another nice easy swim workout.  I’m not going to mess with my swim programming for a while.  I have other, funner fish I want to fry.  So these workouts are going to remain boring, active semi-recovery days.

And as a bonus here’s a really pretty chart that I am someday going to take the time to learn what it’s trying to tell me.

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Workout for Sunday, 24 February

This was supposed to be a 60-minute run but I picked a miserable place to go run and so only lasted 45-minutes.  Plus I was pausing occasionally to snap photos so I never got into a really solid rhythm.  I’ll do a post showing some of the photos from the run later this week.

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I don’t know how long that weather information has been on Garmin Connect.  I’ve never noticed it before but it’s pretty neat.

Workout for Saturday, 23 February

I skipped my cardio again today.  Did the push-up workout though.  It was a rough one.

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I gave myself and extra 30-seconds of rest before the final set of 50.  I would have taken ANOTHER 30, but I wasn’t fast enough pushing the button and the timer ended so I went with it. Even with that I had to take a break at 27.  Got up on my knees, swung my arms a few times and took a couple deep breaths and then went back to work.

Next scheduled workout is a best effort test.  Last test was 75.  Not sure how much improvement I’ll see this time, but I guess that’s what the test is for right?

Workout for Friday, 22 February

8 x 400m intervals, the standard.  Standard route.  I moderated my pace.  It was slower but more consistent.

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Not sure what happened on split number twelve.  It was almost entirely “uphill” as much as that term can be used here.  I’ll include the elevation chart of my run below to demonstrate the significance of that qualification.

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Trust me.  When you’re running it there are uphill parts.  Really.

Workout for Thursday, 21 February

Week 6, Day 2 of Hundred Pushups.  Challenging.

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I have one more day of the program and then another test day.  I think that I’ll do better than the 75 on my last test, but I have my doubts about doing 100.  We shall see . . .

Willfully and willingly took a day off of cardio.  I was feeling a little tired and fatigued.  (Those are different things, right?)  Should have been intervals but I’ll make them up tomorrow.

Workout for Wednesday, 20 February

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I’m going to do a change-step in my cardio rotation so that my hard run days (intervals, tempo, etc.) fall after my swim days instead of my bike days.  Better rested legs means more energy for my hard runs and more intensity in the runs which means better results.  I think that’s how it goes anyway.

I’m also adding pull-ups into my rotation starting on Friday.  It’s a prelude to adding back in full blown strength training.  I’m still working on that plan though so for now the pull-ups are the next step.

Motivation: Beyond the catchphrase



This is part of an ongoing series where I take a look at motivational images, phrases and soundbites culled from “fitness motivation” websites and other sources.  I break them down and try to figure out what makes them effective or ineffective motivation for me.

I absolutely LOVE this one 2

I absolutely LOVE this one.  I think it is an utterly accurate and seriously uncomfortable truth.

Anytime you skip a run because of the weather; don’t go to the gym because you started to watch TV; or decided not to do calisthenics in your hotel room because you’re traveling, you are finding an excuse because your health and fitness isn’t really important to you.

Think about the last time that something was seriously important to you.  Could be a major work project, a paper for school, getting your wife to the hospital while she’s in labor, anything that was REALLY important.  Did you find and excuse not to do it or did you find a way to make it happen?

You made it happen didn’t you?  If something is really, honestly important to you, then you’ll get it done almost no matter what.  You’ll stay up all night; work feverishly; run red lights; call in favors; brow beat lackadaisical group members; and metaphorically (hopefully) lie, cheat, and steal to get it done.

The problem is that for most of us the “importance” of those moments we’re remembering were IMPOSED on us externally: losing our job, failing out of school, having a baby in the backseat of the car, and so on.  Unless there’s an external factor involved then we’re all too likely to leap at the first obstacle we encounter as an acceptable excuse to cop out.

The trick is to impart “importance” to things ourselves in such a way that it drives us to overcome excuses and find a way.  Here are a few ways to do it:

1)     Explicitly state that it’s important.  Tell yourself – in writing and/or out loud to yourself – that the thing you should be doing is important to you and why.  Eliminate any vague notions your “other self” has that this isn’t a big deal.

2)     Identify that whatever you are doing instead or whatever condition you think is keeping you from doing what you should be doing is just an excuse.  Clearly state – to yourself, or better yet to your roommate or significant other – that [the TV, the weather, your mild muscle soreness, your attitude, etc] is a weak excuse not to do something that you know you should.

3)     Take a look at your written fitness goals (you do have those don’t you?) and remind yourself of why it’s IMPORTANT to go do your workout.

4)     Ask yourself, “what’s more IMPORTANT to me?  My [health/fitness/physical appearance/athletic performance] or [watching TV/taking a nap/going to the movies/sleeping in/etc. ?”  Hint: the answer should be one of the former NOT the latter.

5) Create a blog and generate external pressure (i.e. a sense of importance) by exposing your real priorities (i.e. potential hypocrisy) to your friends and family (and complete strangers).

6) Put your money where your mouth is.  Bet a friend.  Use a commitment system like Beeminder or Stikk.


Workout for Tuesday, 19 February

Pushups tonight: week 5 day 1.  I’ve got a long way to go to get from 75 to 100 and I think the program is only two more weeks long.  We’ll see what happens but I may be repeating week 5 and 6 a couple times.

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I also had to give myself an extra 30-seconds of rest before the last set (something which has built in functionality in the app so it isn’t cheating . . . much).  But that combined with the fact that the last two sets required some Army-standard rest breaks does show that a few more laps through the last two weeks of the program still has the potential for significant improvement.  We’ll do what’s necessary.

And then a 5-miler.  The normal route.

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It wasn’t brutal, but I sure FELT like I was running faster than a 9:30 pace, even though I was just out for an easy run.  I need to drink more water.

Workout for Monday,18 February

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Swimming.  I still don’t know what to do with the graphs and charts from my Garmin Swim yet.  I’m just including them for color.

Also, I was going to go out and do some errands tonight after work but my stomach is acting pretty sketchy.  Gonna lay low tonight and try not to get worse.