Is it day eight yet? I hope it’s day eight.

My shoulders – especially my right shoulder – really hope it’s day eight of the current PU/SU program.  I’m really looking forward to the three days off after day ten before I retest my push-ups.  And sit-ups of course, but let’s face it: this has been mostly about the push-ups.

The fact that I’m having such a hard time even figuring out what day of my program I’m on is ironic because if anything I suffer from a superfluity (I hope that word means what I think it means) of tracking and notation systems.  To one degree or another, and for one exercise type or another I’m currently using the following trackers and logs:

  • Jefit (iPhone app)
  • Evernote (desktop and iPhone app)
  • Garmin 310XT
  • Garmin Connect
  • Fitocracy
  • Paper journal

One could argue that the Garmin 310XT and Garmin Connect are one entity but since I track my runs (and swims and bikes) on the 310XT in conjunction with Connect but log (at least superficially) my strength training in Connect using just the manual entry on the calendar I really do use them as two separate entities.

The result of all this is that I have workout records and notes for every workout I do in one or more of these locations but ALL of the data isn’t in ANY of them.  I’m going to have to draw this on a whiteboard and come up with a better system.  Anyone have a one stop solution for all your exercise logging needs?  Feel free to let me know.

All that being said, tonight was actually a pretty good night for push-ups.  As usual I was absolutely dreading the doing of push-ups.  So I made myself do them first.  Eat that frog and all that jazz.  And I managed to do the 200 push-ups in only seven sets.  Five sets of thirty and two sets of twenty-five.  If that doesn’t add up to 200 don’t even tell me because I don’t want to know.  The same goes for if it’s not day eight yet.  Don’t tell me.  Oh, and I kept two minute intervals between the sets tonight too, just FYI.

That still counts as progress, right?

200 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 6-miles, 4 Singha Lights and a partridge in a pear tree

Running six miles?  Not a big deal.  Running six miles at 1100 with little-to-no-shade under a tropical sun with all the elevation in one long climb right before the turn around point along a heavily trafficked road replete with car exhaust?  That kind of sucks.  I’m really going to have to make the effort to get up early and run before the sun comes out and tries to kill me.

On another note, I am really looking forward to the end of my current PU/SU program.  The sit-ups aren’t that bad but the cumulative effect of the push-ups is really starting to set in.  My traps, shoulders and triceps are constantly fatigued.  I can still reel off 20 push-up sets throughout the day but they hurt from the get go.

I didn’t get my run schedule posted this weekend but I haven’t forgotten.  I’ll clean it up a little and write post to explain why I chose it and some of the small changes I made to it and try to get it online this week.

Yoga and lacrosse balls

To the uninitiated that might appear to be a picture of a yoga pose called “downward dog”.  That would be wrong.  In reality that is a full bore push-up rest position.  I know.  I’m an expert at this position.  I failed in my effort to reduce the number of sets to achieve my 200 push-ups today but I amazed myself by reducing the rest period by 25% (from 2 minutes to 90 seconds) and was still able to knock out 20 rep sets.  So not too bad.  Although it did mean practicing my rest position a little more than usual.

Especially since I committed a cardinal sin of exercise motivation and worked out this afternoon and even knocked out my 4 x 25 sit-up sets, but DIDN’T DO THE PUSH-UPS.  ”I’m tired, I’ll come back and do them later.”  Big mistake.  Nine times out of ten that is a recipe for a skipped workout.  It almost was this time.  That’s why at nine o’clock at night I was the only schmuck in the fitness center killing myself doing push-ups.

  • 30
  • 30
  • 20
  • 20
  • 20
  • 20
  • 20
  • 20
  • 20

Now, the lacrosse ball.  That comes into play because my traps are killing me.  Some combination of barbell squats, push-ups and too much time spent at a computer (at work and at home) is killing my shoulders and neck.  They’re really tight all day, often to the point of continuous pain.  

As a result I spend a good amount of time each night leaning up against a wall with a lacrosse ball behind my back.  Moving around with the ball behind you really lets you control the pressure and you can really hit the tight spots in your traps, shoulder blades and along your spine.  Be careful not to hit it right on your spine though.  You can also use it on the floor to do your shoulders, back, hip flexors … use your imagination.  It’s like a foam roller but more localized and let’s you work specific tight spots.

If you don’t have one, get one.  Ahhhh … .

Day five of ten

A thousand push-ups and five hundred sit-ups later …

I’m holding up pretty well.  So well in fact that I’m wondering if I should up the volume for the remaining five days.  Maybe 250 push-ups and125 sit-ups per day.  But I’m going to hold to a) trust the process and b) discretion is the better part of valor and stick with the plan.  The push-ups spread throughout the day are the easiest and I really dislike the push-ups en mass.  The sit-ups are sit-ups.  I just need to get faster at sit-ups so they’re not as big a challenge as the push-ups.

Easy four miles on the treadmill tonight.  The weather was fine but it was pretty late and I wanted to give my foot another relatively low impact day.  Combined with my running rest day tomorrow it should be enough to get my heel back up to 100%.  Although, I am now convinced that the footpod for my Garmin is not calibrated correctly.  As you can see from the run data at the end of the post, the Garmin footpod tracked at 4-miles, while over the same period the treadmill tracked 7 kilometers, so I missed about 3/8-mile somewhere.  I know that treadmill’s aren’t exactly finely calibrated themselves but I still think that next time I run outside I’ll recalibrate the footpod.

Another day down; this weekend I’ll try to remember to post my full run schedule for October and also my schedule for the final CPFT and the intermediate diagnostic.  As a special treat, I’ll try and figure out how to post the video that I took of my original diagnostic.  No promises though.

Gotta trust the process

Lightning and light rain tonight combined with semi-low motivation moving in from the west resulted in a treadmill interval workout tonight.  I prefer running outside but this was probably a good thing since I have a little pain in the rear outside of my right foot between the heel and the ankle bump thing.  I may do tomorrow’s easy four on the treadmill as well just to reduce the impact on the foot until it sorts itself out.

So the run workout went pretty well (6 x 400m with 200m rest intervals followed by 4 x 200m with 100m rest intervals at a harder pace).  But at the same time it was really discouraging: the hard pace on the 200m intervals (I’d call it 90% effort?) was still slower than the pace I’ll have to run the whole two miles to meet my goal.  Yeah.  Gotta trust the process.  Have a plan, execute the plan.  Do the work, test and adjust as necessary along the way.  The run program I’m on now is 12-weeks long.  I think I’m going to do a full blown half way point diagnostic CPFT at that point to see where I am and how much further I have to go.  Then I can figure out how to get there over the second half of my allotted time.

The numbers for tonight’s run are at the end of the post.

As for the push-ups and sit-ups, they actually went really well.  I was dreading the push-ups because push-ups suck.  And two hundred push-ups sucks a lot.  Plus just saying the number messes with my mind.  But you know what?  Actually doing the push-ups wasn’t as bad as dreading them leading up to the workout.  I’m still finding my limits on multiple set, high volume pushup work so my set totals are a little variable.  But the key right now is just the volume.  My chest and shoulders are holding up well considering the number I’m doing collectively.  Which shouldn’t surprise me as much as it does considering the numbers of push-ups I’ve done over extended periods of time in multiple periods of my life.

Anyway, the push-up sets for tonight were:

   * 30
   * 30
   * 30
   * 25
   * 25
   * 30
   * 15
   * 15
My goal with these in the next week is to do the 200 push-ups in less than the eight sets it’s currently taking me.  We’ll see.

The sit-ups were fine.  Four sets of twenty-five as fast as I could do them with one minute rest intervals.  I’m thinking of doing sit-up pace/speed training with a metronome after the current workout program runs its course.

That’s it for tonight.  Another busy exercise day tomorrow. I’m going to try and spread the workouts across the day so I’m not killing myself at nine o’clock at night but we’ll see what actually happens.

Quick shotgun blast before bed

Lots I could write about today and even some left over from yesterday, but it is too late and I’m too tired.  These conference calls with the States are brutal.  Stupid time zones.

1) Day 3 of the new PU program: starting to feel cumulative fatigue and the cascade of DOMS in my chest and shoulders.  I still cruised through my ten sets of twenty, starting at 0700 and going until I left work around 1715.  But six hundred push-ups in three days is starting to take its toll.  The next seven days will be interesting …

2) 100 sit-ups as fast as I could today.  As fast as I could turned out to be 2:45.  Not great but I’ve got plenty of time to get where I need to be.

3) In the fitness center while I was lifting an Australian guy was working out and watching me lift.  During a break between sets of my last exercise he asked me, “are you training for a sport, or something”?  Yup, that’s right.  When I lift I look like athlete in training.  Why is this hat so tight?

4) Four miles easy is not so easy when it comes late at night and after a plethora of other fitness activities throughout the day.  Ugh, part 2. 

5) On days when I have multiple workouts planned (PU/SU, run, lift, etc.) I absolutely have to figure out a way to spread them out over the course of the day.  Stacking them up at one time just makes them interfere with each other


Half dead


I got a late start tonight on my workouts.  I didn’t get up early enough to do either my PU/SU or run before work so I had to do them both after.  But a last minute 7pm conference call, plus a follow up call after the main call mean I didn’t even leave on my run until quarter after eight.  And the fact that I even got out the door was amazing.  Motivation was low around six thirty.

Anyway, I went out on my scheduled interval run (4 x 800m with 400m recovery intervals) and was halfway in to it before I realized that maybe I should have done my PU/SU work before I totally smoked myself running.  Oh, well.  Something else I realized: this is the first time I have ever done timed 1/2-mile intervals.  I’ve done quarter mile intervals a bunch of times, but never halfs.  Which showed itself, oh, immediately; because I had no idea how to pace myself through even one 1/2-mile interval much less four.  I bonked hard on the last one.  Nonetheless it was a good workout (among other reasons because it sucked) and one of the main reasons I picked this particular run program was that it has a lot of long interval sets.

So here are the numbers for tonight’s run:

My PU/SU workout is worthy of a long saga itself but it’s really late and I’m really tired.  Let me just mention here that I am ridiculously proud of my push-up workout tonight and even if I’m completely crippled and can’t even dress myself in the morning it was totally worth it.  And if I’m not I give all the credit to chocolate milk.  The sit-ups were okay too.  Bottom line: 200 push-ups in nine sets with two minute rest intervals and 100 sit-ups in “speed sets” of 25 with one minute rest in between.

Not bad for a night when I almost didn’t get off the couch.

200 push-ups and 100 sit-ups

Today I started my new push-up workout.  Starting with a set right after I got out of bed this morning I did ten sets of twenty push-ups spread throughout the day.  About ever hour or so (if I was working on something I waited until I finished) I would close the door to my office and knock out twenty quick push-ups.

I’m not sure what my coworkers thought of me closing my door every hour and re-opening it in just a moment slightly flushed and breathing a little heavily.  Oh, well. The cost of progress.

The push-ups felt great all day.  The sets never got too hard and I didn’t have any significant collective fatigue or anything like that.  I was pleasantly surprised.  

Tonight I suddenly realized that I had no plan for sit-ups!  So in true “git ‘er dun” fashion I sat down, hooked my feet under something heavy and knocked out one hundred sit-ups as fast as I could.  Which was not very fast.  Although I didn’t time it.  Which in retrospect seems like a mistake.  Next time I will time it.  For time.

Ahem.  Moving on.  What I have decided is that I’m going to do the same thing with sit-ups that I’m doing with push-ups for the next ten days but in reverse and focusing on speed instead of volume.  So on days when I spread my push-ups out over the day (like today) I’ll do one hundred sit-ups as fast as I can in one set.  On the days when I try to do all my push-ups at one time in as few sets as possible I’ll do four sets of sit-ups, twenty-five each going as fast as I can and with some as yet undetermined rest interval in between.

When I rest and then test my push-ups after the ten days I’ll do the same with my sit-ups and then come up with a new plan for both of them.